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Peng Jiang

Peng Jiang, Ph.D., is a professor in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering’s Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida. He earned his Ph.D. in materials chemistry from Rice University in 2001. His research is broadly interested in developing new chemical, physical, engineering, and biological applications related to self-assembled nanostructured materials. The research focuses on four topics:  self-assembled photonic and plasmonic crystals, biomimetic broadband antireflection coatings, novel stimuli-responsive shape memory polymers, and smart window coatings for energy-efficient buildings.  

Nanoparticle-infused Anti-Glare Coatings for Improved Solar Cells
Tunable, Anti-Reflection Coating Using Common Shape Memory Polymers
Polymer for Optical and Biometric Identity Authentication Systems
Chromogenic Sensor for Analyzing Ethanol Concentration in Gasoline
Anti-Reflection Coating for Curved and Rough Surfaces
Polymeric Chromogenic Sensor to Analyze Ethanol Concentration in Gasoline, Drugs and Other Liquid Products
Surface Texturing to Fabricate Black Silicon for High-efficiency Solar Cells and LEDs
Smart Coating to Reflect Lasers and Dissipate Their Energy
Pressure-Sensitive Hydrogels for Measuring Intraocular Pressure In-Situ
Chromogenic Vapor Sensor that Precisely Detects Various Gases
Smart Films with Photonic Crystal Micropatterns to Prevent Counterfeiting
Dry Adhesive Films With Adjustable Adhesion Levels
Black Silicon to Enhance Solar Panel Efficiency
Nanoparticle-Based Antireflection Glass Coating Composition
