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Atomically Precise Semiconductor Nanoclusters With Synthetically Controlled Properties

Applies Cation Exchange Reaction to Synthesize Metal Chalcogenides at the Nanometer Scale with Atomic Precision

These one-nanometer-scale semiconductor clusters have special electronic and optical properties, making them useful for advanced applications such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). While scientists can confidently form nanometer scale clusters of metals with atomic precision, doing the same for semiconducting metal chalcogenides is more difficult because of their interwoven framework of positively charged metals (cations) and negatively charged chalcogenides (anions). The cation exchange reaction can tackle this problem by extracting and replacing the more mobile cations while leaving the anion template intact. However, at the moment this reaction can only form clusters over 3 nm in size. Nevertheless, one-nanometer-scale semiconductor clusters such as 1.1 nm diameter Cd26Se17 are of great interest thanks to their precise compositions, atomically-defined structures, and prominent optical and electronic properties that diverge based on the details of their shell structure, doping, and ligands. Scientists are therefore pursuing routes that allow these features to be chosen at synthesis.


Researchers at the University of Florida have leveraged cation exchange reactions to create semiconductor nanoclusters with atomic-level controlled size, doping, and ligands. This control allows direct tuning of optical properties such as photoluminescence and photocatalysis.



Synthesis of metal chalcogenide semiconductor nanoclusters with atomic precision and possessing desired size, shape, doping, and surface ligand characteristics



  • Synthesizes nanoclusters such as Cd26Se17 from Cu2Se using the cation exchange reaction, achieving practically perfect conversion efficiencies
  • Preserves the anion template structure during synthesis, enabling control of the nanocluster size, doping, and surface ligand properties via choice of template
  • Allows the demonstrated pathway to tetrahedral Cd26Se17 to be applied to alternative cations (such as Zn2+, Hg2+, and Pb2+) and extended to alternative shapes and surface ligands, unlocking a diverse array of cluster properties



Metal chalcogenides, while exhibiting diverse properties, all share similar structures where each metal cation sees a roughly identical environment with a few chalcogenide anion neighbors, and vice versa. In this structure, the anions form a stiff template while cations are smaller and more mobile. These facts combine to allow direct substitution of one cation element to replace the original one in the template, a process known as the cation exchange reaction. This substitution unlocks wide-ranging control over the properties of the final product via choice of the template and incoming cation substituent. For example, the CdSe synthesized from Cu2Se can be given different lengths depending on whether a Cu44Se22 or Cu70Se35 template is used. In addition, if the incoming cation substituent is already coordinated to ligands or mixed with impurities, these will be preserved in the cation exchange reaction, allowing control over the doping and surface ligand features of the final product. As such, cation exchange reaction offers control over the characteristics that crucially impact many nanocluster properties, such as chemical stability, charge transport, and light emission, that determine the material’s efficacy in applications such as LEDs and perovskite solar cells.

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