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Adaptive System that Records Cellular Lineage, Cellular Clock, and Cellular Memory Simultaneously

Diary Reveals a Comprehensive History of a Cell that Aids Research, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics

This molecular cell diary system is capable of creating a detailed understanding of a cell’s history and current state, including its cellular lineage, cellular clock, and cellular memory. The molecular diagnostics market in 2014 was globally worth over $4.8 billion. This industry is dominated by technologies that are capable of only a single function, resulting in a limited understanding of a cell’s state.

Researchers at the University of Florida have created a molecular cell diary system that is capable of simultaneously recording information about the lineage of a cell, the number of cell divisions it has undergone, and any dynamic changes in the cell’s biological processes. This system is capable of revealing a comprehensive history of the cell, covering events such as cell division and giving information about the mutation history of the cell.



Molecular cell diary system as a platform for discovery research in a variety of fields



  • Allows unparalleled capabilities, combining a cellular lineage tracer, a cellular clock, and a cellular barometer/memory into one system
  • Can be used to mark cells in vivo in humans, allowing diagnostic determinations or treatment developments


This basis of this molecular cell diary system is the ability to link DNA sequences to specific cellular events. This system utilizes DNA barcodes to create detailed cellular family trees and to find evidence of certain molecular events. Unlike available technologies, this system uses a non-specific nuclease and DNA sequence giving it multiple recording capabilities; it can examine both genomic and mitochondrial DNA. Because of these advantages, this cell diary is useful for research, diagnostics, and determining therapies.

Patent Information:
App Type: Patent No.: Patent Status:
ORD/UTIL 11,447,768 Issued