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Monoclonal Antibody against CUGBP2/ETR-3 Proteins

Recognizes Both Human and Mouse CUGBP2/ETR-3 Proteins but Does Not Bind to Other CELF Family Members

CUGBP2/ETR-3 is a member of the CELF family of pre-mRNA alternative splicing factors which play an important role in the appearance of specific protein isoforms during postnatal development. The CELF family has also been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy. The monoclonal antibody was generated against a purified human CUGBP2/ETR-3 protein fragment fused to GST and recognizes both human and mouse CUGBP2/ETR-3 proteins (elav-type RNA-binding protein), but does not bind to other members of the CELF family.

Journal article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dvdy.20382/abstract;jsessionid=C203091EB01A61DC4DBC604B10C9378B.d02t03 (Wiley Online Library subscription required)

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